Escapades with junior birders
Part of loving something is passing that love down to others. That’s why I’m a birder now, I think.
As soon as I came home from school, I introduced my three and four-year-old brothers to the world of birding. They quickly caught on to my enthusiasm. Trips to the library would produce a plethora of bird books in our home, and the boys were always anxious to view the birds I pointed out to them.
Nathan and William enjoy one of their many bird books
August 26
I had four children to myself tonight, and a trip to the pond seemed a good way to pass the evening. Armed with a bottle, a stroller, diapers, water, and bread, we departed.
The children were eager to begin feeding the ducks
We looked at mockingbirds and fed ducks. When night fell, I pointed to the bats circling over the water. William had recently lamented the fact that he had never seen a bat, so I was happy to remedy that.
William looks at mockingbirds
Feeding the ducks
August 27
A cold front came through today, bringing with it temperatures just above 85 and a welcome breeze that woke up the sleeping trees. I took Nathan and the binoculars to the backyard. I pointed out swifts and cardinals. Nathan had more luck on his own, however. Some of his proclamations were a catbird, a cowbird, an eagle, and a Purple Finch. If only I could find some of those birds in Dallas.
Nathan looks at swifts